And, well, to be fair, I didn't actually take my sporting to a new level in 2013. I didn't compete in any bike races, sneaking in my one and only running race in December, just before the year ran out, and well, I guess I could say that I took my sport to a new LOW level in 2013, but I don't think that counts. So failures in 2013 won't be all that hard for me to find.
Thus, in the perverse spirit of Daria Salamon (author of the too-funny novel The Prairie Bridesmaid), here is my summary not of what I achieved in 2013, but rather what I didn't achieve, my top 5 failures:
1.) I failed to make a million dollars. Or, to be precise, I didn't earn $7.9million, which is the average compensation for Canada's top 100 CEOs in 2013. To be fair, that's 171 times the average industrial wage, so while it outstrips my income for 2013, at least I've got company down where I languish with the rest of the plebs.
Here's what they got:
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Henley Mansion in England, a $218million house that I failed to buy in 2013. |
Total compensation on average: $7.9 million
Base salary: $1 million
Cash bonuses: $1.73 million
Grants of company shares: $2.24 million
Stocks options: $1.69 million
Other compensation (“perks”): $754,000
Pension value increase: $533,000
Source: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Heck, I might be okay with the "perks" in the "Other compensation" category, but that's just me. Chalk income up as a big, 2013 FAIL for me.
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A kid I failed to have in 2013. |
Now I could take this as optimistic evidence of the efficacy of condoms as prophylactics. Even without trying to have a kid, there will be more than enough people to get in line to tell me that in not having one, I am failing, actually, rather that I'm just a failure. Full stop. So on this score, in 2013, I failed.
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One of the many awards I failed to receive in 2013. |
What am I without external validation? How can I go on living unless a jury of my peers rises up to congratulate me on something? What is the point of going forward if I can't add a meaningless accolade to my CV? These and many other soul-searching questions are those I will have to face as I deal with my dearth of awards in 2013.
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I failed to keep my anger under wraps in the face of crazy. |
I mean, I was raised in a whole "turn the other cheek" ethos, and most of the time I try to let crazy roll off me like water off a duck's back, but sometimes I feel like you need to respond to crazy with crazy in a kind of ever-rising stakes game of crazy-ass poker. "I see your crazy, and I raise you a shouting, swearing insult." So when I say that I failed to keep my temper in check a few times in 2013, I'm not apologizing, just stating a fact.
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Oh, darn, I failed to look like this in 2013!!! |
As the first week of 2014 where I hit nearly all my workouts nears its close, I hope you like this retrospective of my 2013 failures…
Over and out,
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