My brief bio...

I used to co-write a blog, "East and West Running" at on the various links to see some of the early entries from 2010 to 2012 when I first learned how to run and then first learned how to ride a bike as I was based in Canada and my co-blogger was based in Malaysia.

I fell off the blogging wagon since somewhere around 2014 or 2015, but I'm getting back on so that I can track my #fitoverforty journey back into fitness...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Feeling like a runner again...

Joy here...It's been nearly 2 months since we arrived in Malaysia to start this next adventure in our lives, and I've spent a lot of that time since arriving whinging about not being in shape, or opining about feeling like I have no running fitness.  I cringe when I look at my past blog entries, because they read as a litany of whining and complaining, and I'm usually one with little patience for whiners and complainers.

But as with anything, the only way to move forward is to just take one step at a time.  No one achieved anything on the back of a mountain of complaining.

And at least I can say for myself that along side my complaints, I have been taking those steps forward.
Those are looking like runners toes to me!

In fact, I've taken enough of those steps forward, one after the other, that I'm starting to feel like I'm only a few small steps away from being able to call myself a runner.  I've even got the gnarly bruised toes to show for it!

It's been nearly 3 years since my co-blogger Nomi wrote about our bruised toes, and it feels like it's been almost that long since I've felt like I've had any running fitness.

But, yet, as each day unfolds and I get myself out the door to run loops around my taman or do my drills as ordered by Coach Woods, I'm getting closer and closer to hitting 100% of my workouts, and closer and closer to feeling like a runner.

Now why, you might wonder, would feeling like a runner even matter.

The answer is rather simple, running is a metaphor for life.  You don't get better at it by whining and complaining.  You don't achieve your goals unless you get out the door.  You don't improve without failing and floundering a bit first.  And you will never ever get where you want to go without a bit of pain along the way.

So when I write that I feel like I'm getting my running a bit more on track, what I'm really saying is that amidst the insanity of setting up shop in a new city, in a new country, I'm also maybe - just maybe! - getting my life back on track too.

Over and out,

Here are my run stats since my last post:
Tuesday - Ran for 30 minutes for a distance of 5:41km with an easy pace of 5:33min/km
Wednesday - Day Off
Thursday - Easy 15 minute warm up, followed by drills, and then 2 X 5 minutes at Tempo
Friday - Ran for 25 minutes for a distance of 4.28km with an easy pace of 5:56min/km
Saturday - Easy 15 minute warm up, followed by drills, and then 5 hill repeats
Sunday - Went swimming for an hour at a friend's house

And now it's a new week, and we'll see what I can do!

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