My brief bio...

I used to co-write a blog, "East and West Running" at on the various links to see some of the early entries from 2010 to 2012 when I first learned how to run and then first learned how to ride a bike as I was based in Canada and my co-blogger was based in Malaysia.

I fell off the blogging wagon since somewhere around 2014 or 2015, but I'm getting back on so that I can track my #fitoverforty journey back into fitness...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Feeling Energized

Yesterday's work out plan (and the sheet
underneath is the one with my wattage
effort zones as per Coach Andrew).
Joy here...The funny thing about working out regularly is that when you first start, you can't help but think, "but I don't have the energy for that," or "but I'm too tired after a hard day's work."  If you're anything like me, then you can't help but think that working out will sap whatever energy you have remaining.  But strangely enough, that's not true.

The more you work out, the more energy you end up having.

It seems strangely counter-intuitive, because you would think that all that sports activity would tire you out.  And, well, I suppose there must be some point along the continuum where you tip the balance and the more working out you do, the less energy you have, but I suspect you'd have to be a really elite level professional athlete before you hit that mark.  For the rest of us regular plebeians, its seems to me that if you can get yourself up and moving, you'll strangely find yourself with more energy than if you just sit on the couch and supposedly "recharge."

After running last Friday, doing a trainer session on Saturday, heading out to ride outside on Sunday, running on Monday, resting on Tuesday, doing an indoor TT on Wednesday, and doing a trainer session on Thursday, I now find myself on Friday morning after a week of getting back into my groove feeling much more energized than I did during all my weeks off the bike when I was sitting on the couch and gaining those extra 5kgs or so around my mid section.

Fancy post-ride drinks for me and The Man.
After yesterday's effort on the trainer--which included a 10minute section cycling up through all my wattage zones, an 8minute section holding steadily at the effort just below my TT effort, and two 8minute sessions of 4minute sections where I worked through some hard efforts and sweated all over myself--left me feeling proud that I had ticked off the workout when for weeks I haven't been able to, but it also left me feeling energized.

I got off the bike and out of my sweaty clothes, put two oranges and a grapefruit into our vitamix (which is the best super blender of all time...worthy of its own blog entry) and made myself some juice, and then added some perrier to it for a special, post-ride treat and then went off to shower feeling healthy and energized.

And now, if I can only keep that up maybe some of those unwanted kilos will get so energized that they run away and find someone else to attach themselves to!

Over and out,

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