My brief bio...

I used to co-write a blog, "East and West Running" at on the various links to see some of the early entries from 2010 to 2012 when I first learned how to run and then first learned how to ride a bike as I was based in Canada and my co-blogger was based in Malaysia.

I fell off the blogging wagon since somewhere around 2014 or 2015, but I'm getting back on so that I can track my #fitoverforty journey back into fitness...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Knock Knees

My 2010 physio said
that I "run like a girl."
Joy here...Yesterday's workouts were kind of a fail--just a short, easy run followed by a failed indoor TT--and so I told myself, "self, you gotta get out there and do it today."  I wasn't going to be daunted by anything.  No no, I got up bright and early, fuelled myself with pancakes, and headed out the door to knock off my running workout that Coach Woods had planned for me, and then intended to do the workout that Coach Andrew had on tap for me on the bike.

So out into the chilly, but sunny Sunday I went, doing the warm up run (around 25 minutes) and then the running drills.

But this is when things started to go sour.

You see, I used to have pain in my left knee when I first started training for my first half marathon in 2010.  I went to a physiotherapist back then, and she said that I "run like a girl" and have a tendency towards being knock kneed.  She told me to build up the muscles in my quads to compensate and pull my knees back in line.  So I did lunges and squats, but most importantly, I started riding the bike again.  And the pain in my knee went away.  So then when I took a bit of a hiatus from running (from spring 2011 until around now), I didn't count on my knee pain showing up again.

My bad.

Hmmm...this looks familiar.
While I was doing the drills, in particular the jumping and bounding ones, my left knee really started to hurt.  Well, to be honest, I've been ignoring a little bit of discomfort in that knee for a couple of weeks now, telling myself that my knee just needs to get used to running again.  But the truth of the matter is that on Sunday morning, I knew I couldn't finish the workout.  My left knee was squishy and jelly like, with the knee cap wobbling all over the place if I touched it, and I was starting to limp and favour my right side.

So I admitted defeat, headed home, put ice on my knee, and looked up the physiotherapist's number.  I guess I'll be showing up there this morning.


Over and out,

Run Stats:
Ran for 22:11:36 for 3.5km with an average pace of 6:15min/km...then I did drills...then I went home.

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