My brief bio...

I used to co-write a blog, "East and West Running" at on the various links to see some of the early entries from 2010 to 2012 when I first learned how to run and then first learned how to ride a bike as I was based in Canada and my co-blogger was based in Malaysia.

I fell off the blogging wagon since somewhere around 2014 or 2015, but I'm getting back on so that I can track my #fitoverforty journey back into fitness...

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Joy here…In very simple terms, one aspect of Einstein's theory of relativity is that it clarifies the relative elasticity of our perception of things like motion, space, and time.  Depending on whether we (or other objects) are in motion relative to other things will affect the measurements of those things (such as space and time).

Put in even more simple terms:  things aren't as fixed as you might think they are.

Now what, you might ask, does this have to do with my lacklustre training of late?

I mean, I've been grappling with not being able to hit my workouts, with my injuries and hiccups along the way, and with wondering about my inability to be effectively coached; I've rambled about my pseudo-deep thoughts about why these failings on my part have arisen, about my thoughts on what sense to make of these failings, and my continued optimism to see my difficulties of late as part of a larger journey, a journey that is supposed to be teaching me some lessons.

But there's a funny thing about lessons - Einstein's or not - and that is that it's one thing to understand those lessons, but it's totally another thing to put them into practice.  I may be well aware that I do some self-sabotaging by indulging in that extra drink or dessert.  I may be well attuned to the fact that I need to get some perspective on all this, but those many truths do not add up to equal action.

The only thing that equals action is action.

So as I headed out for my Saturday morning bike ride up the incline, I was feeling bad about myself.  I was feeling like I've not hit my running workouts; I'm carrying an extra kilo or two of weight around my midsection; I'm letting my running coach down, and in general I was letting myself be brought down by negative self talk.

A healthy post-ride lunch with a smoothie!
Even when I completed the climb in one of my quicker times (a good day is around 54 mins, and a slow day is around 58 mins, and Saturday was a 54 minute day), I was still feeling down on myself.  I roared down the hill on my bike, and The Man and I hopped in the car, planning to stop at the grocery store on our way home so that we could pick up something healthy for lunch.

We popped into the local shop still wearing our cycling gear and loaded up on fruit and produce.

As we walked out, I was heading to the car and came face-to-face with a Malaysian lady out to do her shopping.  As she saw me, she literally stopped in her tracks:  "Woa!" she exclaimed involuntarily, and then looked me up and down, "So fit!"

And suddenly, a smile broke out on my face, and I didn't feel so fat and out of shape.  Instead of feeling like the fat sack of potatoes riding a bike, I suddenly felt myself as she saw me, as a fit woman.

I guess Einstein really was onto something with that notion of relativity, after all!

"Woa! So fit!"

Over and out,

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